Friday, January 22, 2016

I Want To Help Improve Young Baseball Players With This Blog

Hi There,

   What I Am Trying To Do With This Blog Is Help Young Baseball Players
to improve and develop their baseball skills. I want to help all young
people ,that love playing baseball, to have more fun by being the best
player they can be. No matter what position they are playing.

   I played shortstop and third base when I wasn't the starting pitcher
in our games. I had natural ability but grew up in a small Northern
Michigan town so we had limited playing weather. I also had no access
to good coaching for technique. It was all self taught by watching Tiger
games and learning to throw curves and screwballs by trial and error
with one of those pitch back nets I had in my last post.

   My point is, nobody knows where the next Derek Jeter or Justin Verlander
will come from. If your child, or if you are the child, reading this, has
some natural ability, take advantage of these programs I post here. It will
help their development tremendously. I had no access to things like this.

  One example is, I did not have a good fastball to go with my offspeed
pitches. I thought that all the speed came from your arm. I was wrong.
It comes from the push off from your legs. Or a good part of it. A good
fastball would have possibly gotten me over the hump to play professional
baseball which was my dream. Technique is EVERYTHING!

  Well, thanks for reading again. I hope I am providing some good points
in my blog so kids can have a better chance at fundementals than
I did and maybe achieve their baseball playing dreams.

Thanks Again For Reading,
Screwball Pitcher

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