Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Baserunning Is A Very Important Part Of Overall Baseball Skills


   To be a good base runner you don't have to be the fastest player on your team.
But you do have to be aware of the play around you--thinking always two bases
ahead and how am I going to accomplish it.

The key is hard work (practice), desire and hustle. A coach once told me,
 "A good base runner must maximize his speed with minimal strides."
These tips I hope will help you with your base-running.

Stomping the bag

  When running to first base have the player hit the top of the bag with their right foot--thereby "stomping the bag."
Have a coach stand about four paces behind the bag up the baseline.
The players should break down the line with chopping steps; getting their butts low to the ground and coming
to a stop before reaching the coach.
This way they are in an aggressive position ready to take advantage of an overthrow
or be prepared to return back to first base if they are ruled safe.

Rounding the bases

  When rounding a base coaches should remember the focus is on maximizing
speed with minimum steps.
Players should leak " ) "out of the base path when running and squaring up their
shoulders to the corner of the base.
Don't run the "?" path because this takes momentum away from the base runner.
Don't worry about which foot you hit the corner of the base with just don't
stutter step to the corner because this will diminish your speed.

  Good baserunning is a major part of baseball. This is a good start to learning.
I will post a couple of programs that will definitely increase your speed. Another
will teach you the art of baserunning. Speed is only part of the equation.

   I was a very good basestealer. I had a good coach. It helped that I had
good speed, but technique is just as important.

   Look for my next couple of posts for those programs I mentioned. If you stick with me
on this blog and put in the work, you will become a very dangerous overall
baseball player.

Thanks For Reading,
Screwball Pitcher

A Good Lead

How To Round a Base

Get a Good Jump

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